Tuesday, October 20, 2020

How God turned the pandemic into a blessing

I had already been spending too much time on social media since 2017, it only fed into my anxiety, worrying what people think. The pandemic seemed to make this worse, but it later got better as I started to seek help for these issues.

During the pandemic, I began connecting with many other Adventists on social media. In April, I signed up for ARISE Online and I was really blessed. Nicole Parker's talk about Jesus' friendship circles was really interesting. Later in the year, on Facebook, I learned about and was blessed by the on-going Zoom meetings by the Central California Conference youth department.

During the start of the summer, I came across Ivor Myers' Phototheology idea on Facebook and it inspired me with the idea of illustrating the bible in Minecraft. Then I attended a meeting with the Center for Online Evangelism who had a guest host who was talking about a similar idea to mine, although it was about using any video game in general. After that we formed a Facebook group called Adventist Gamers and made some new friends there.

Also that summer, I attended the virtual GYC Atlantic conference (the theme for 2020 was "God Hears"), then I joined their morning zoom prayer group and made some new friends there. I also attended their 40 days of prayer initiative in the evening. Around the same time, I also attended the virtual ASI event. I also attended the virtual GYC Europe event too (their theme for the year was "What If We Ask?").

It was in September when I suddenly realized that God fulfilled a promise He made to me the year before about replacing my past painful experience with a positive one. I saw that God was giving me a second chance at connecting with other young adults in church without worrying what they think of me. 

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